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Global Internships
What To Expect

OM Internships

OM Internships are designed to help you experience how God has uniquely shaped you to live on purpose–through your work.



Nursing Internship in the Middle East



Business Development Internship in South East Asia



Journalism Internship in New Zealand 


Graphic Design Internship with TeenStreet

Internship Stories

See the Impact of an Internship

Corrie 206x225

I saw God work through a lot of my insecurities and remind me that I often underestimate myself. I saw God remind me that I am pursuing the right major and path at the moment. In a way, God gave me a glimpse of what post-grad life could look like. I would definitely recommend this internship. It was really well organized and structured. There was room for personal and professional growth.

Corrie, Global Communications (Virtual Intern) 

Amandanew 206x225

The internship taught me a lot about myself, about the skills that I had, and it pushed me closer to the Lord. Living and working alongside other people from various cultures helped me grow in my own faith and consider how I want to walk with the Lord in my life.

—Amanda, Communications, Hungary (In-person)

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Internship Stories

See the Impact of an Internship

Landonintern 206x225

The Lord used this internship to help create in me resiliency, tenacity, and a worldview that is more balanced and propelling me into a more successful future.

Landon, Business Development, Arabian Peninsula (In-person)

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